Collector #2
Toby Kaufmann-Buhler
A grid to play in, on and through -- an occasionally updated set of studies in visual and sonic play (with a singing saw and video synthesizer), arranged in a grid to be played in any number of combinations. When new studies are added, the grid arrangement will be re-oriented and a new edition released.
Collector #71
Everyone Is A Girl and 3 others
FANDOM is a communal publication which features critical and experimental short-form responses to the theme of fandom from a variety of upcoming writers and artists.
Collector #27
Ruby Bailey and 3 others
Here is a re:re:reality ~ This is the film - *ENDLESSITY*. Set in no-place 2 empty_world_empty_ai_fantasy_world of L00bi’s pixelated dreams. Thisss one is heaven. This one is ethereality limbo dissolve. L00bi’s aching emptiness is no longer scattered - she knows what she wants(!) How to become nothing |-|3|_|>, my friend, let me go |-|0/\/\3.
Collector #8
Yancey Strickler
Since 2017, the Ideaspace has been my outlet for exploring creative forms and sharing ideas. This release shares audio of four of my favorite interviews — with artist Hank Willis Thomas, economist Marianna Mazucato, and authors John Higgs and Eric Wargo — in a free .zip download.
Collector #2
Yancey Strickler and 2 others
A wider view of our self-interest. Now Me, Future Me. Now Us, Future Us. A model for a deeper form of living. BEyond Near Term Orientation: Bentoism.
Collector #109
Brandon Stosuy
A 52-page zine exploring how artists can channel their creative anxiety. Features contributions and insights from Aubrey Plaza, Melissa Broder, Anelise Chen, Jlin, Mike Rugnetta, Henry Rollins, and Nikki Sixx
Collector #223
Ilya and 4 others
#### Will we still be asking people to like and subscribe in 10 years? #### "After The Creator Economy" explores constructive alternatives for the ways we produce, distribute, and monetize creative work online. #### Co-edited by Austin Robey (Metalabel) and Severin Matusek (co—matter), this release preserves and digitally reissues the zine
Collector #33
Embrace Variety Vol.01 contains three guides about the core and often overlooked aspects of visual branding: personality, design taboos, and the North Star. It is for everyone who wants to give their brand an image that stands out, stands the time and resonates. And for those who want to take better control of the branding process.