A creative person can be seen out of crowd by the way they look at things, observe their surroundings and feel it as well. We all are creative in our own senses. Me myself, am interested in photography, writing, creating blogs, videos and more. I hope I have great time here at Metalabel <3
A fairytale, sounds dreamy but can it be real? Yes. The way you see the world defines its beauty, reality, expectations and everything. This particular piece brings in nostalgia, happiness and a new perspective to look at this beautiful, mystical world.
~Art culture encompasses a wide range of creative endeavors and disciplines that reflect human creativity, expression, and communication. It serves as a mirror to society, often embodying personal and collective meaning-making~ says A.I. I beg to differ.
Lilac; A sweet colour of love. Lilac reminds me of the feeling of longingness, nostalgia, heartache. Hopefully for someone it is a feeling of rejuvenation, regeneration, recreation of love and life.
Art is subjective, varies person to person and is made up by various elements. It is said beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. Art core represents that perspective in a unique, self-reflective manner and can be perceived vividly by the recipients.
This particular artwork represents the daily, monotonous lives of human and how they have to face themselves everyday they wake up. It is a constant fight between being grey or being colourful.